Thursday, 18 October 2018

NZ disasters

this was my report plan for my inquiry new Zealand disasters. it was my report for our learning about the Canterbury earthquake. there were 5 parts to this report: classification,description,place/time,dynamics,and summarizing the comment.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

ordering numbers; decimals.

this was my warm up for me and my maths class on 18.9.2018 we had to sort out the decimals from biggest to smallest. the decimal round up i found easy was c: 0.1,0,1,01,1,0.01 now hopefully all you got that right to. but the one i found hard was: 9.08,8.98,91.8,9.8,9.88 but of corse i got it at the end because i tryed my best.

my level 3 maths test.

me and my maths class had a test for level 3 basic facts stage 6 advanced on 12.9.2018 the hardest thing i found was fractions to decimals to % conversations. and what i had found easy was my groupings within 1000,addition facts to 20,subtr'n to 20 and mult'n & div'n x2,3,5,10 and from know on i will go home everyday and learn my fractions and decimals.

Monday, 3 September 2018

this was our test from my math teacher Mr. JL we had to - 47 from 82. i took away 40 and had 42 left. then i subtracted 7 from 42 and i was left with 35 so it was 82-40=42-
7=35   82-47=35

Thursday, 30 August 2018

skittle maths prodlem!!!

this was our warm up for math   priorities and we had to figure out 4/5 s of 40. i new it was 8 but somehow i got it rong. i got the  answer for 3/6 s and that was 32. at first i didn't  know how to do this but now that i have had some practice i know them properly.

Friday, 24 August 2018

workshop BODMAS!!!!

This was our workshop

 while priorities was still going on 9.8.2018 we had to times these numbers 3,6,9,21,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36 by 3s. It took me about 4 minutes to finish but eventually got it.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

We were to figure out where to put the right words in this piece of learning. And when we thought we put the right word in the right place we had to tick the word of and fill in some more this piece of learning was very had but you can see that i finished. most  people found it hard and so did i.

we had to solve this math question before morning tea time and if we did we would get a reach click but i didn't.
meg saved up $135 over the school term.and she spent $59 on an iPad cover how much money does she have left

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

we had to work out the answers and record how we did this piece of work;
1. Kath had bought a basketball top and a net ball how much did these cost???
2. sudi bought a treadmill and a basketball top. how much did these cost???
3. rhys bought a treadmill and some golf clubs how much did these cost???
these were the math questions that we had to fill in.