Wednesday 19 September 2018

ordering numbers; decimals.

this was my warm up for me and my maths class on 18.9.2018 we had to sort out the decimals from biggest to smallest. the decimal round up i found easy was c: 0.1,0,1,01,1,0.01 now hopefully all you got that right to. but the one i found hard was: 9.08,8.98,91.8,9.8,9.88 but of corse i got it at the end because i tryed my best.

my level 3 maths test.

me and my maths class had a test for level 3 basic facts stage 6 advanced on 12.9.2018 the hardest thing i found was fractions to decimals to % conversations. and what i had found easy was my groupings within 1000,addition facts to 20,subtr'n to 20 and mult'n & div'n x2,3,5,10 and from know on i will go home everyday and learn my fractions and decimals.

Monday 3 September 2018

this was our test from my math teacher Mr. JL we had to - 47 from 82. i took away 40 and had 42 left. then i subtracted 7 from 42 and i was left with 35 so it was 82-40=42-
7=35   82-47=35